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Promoting a safe environment 为 minors


UW-Eau Claire is committed to offering a physically, psychologically and emotionally safe environment 为 all youth. To support this mission, our Youth Protection Program is responsible 为 overseeing youth policies and guidelines, and ensuring accurate accounting of the youth participating in 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 programs. Safety processes and compliance structures focus on protection of minors who are not enrolled in 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 classes, but who participate in youth programs on and off campus.

澳门葡京网赌送彩金 the Youth Protection Program (YPP)

的 Department of Risk Management, Safety & Sustainability established the Youth Protection Program (YPP) in 2021. This program is responsible 为:

  • maintaining compliance with System Administrative Policy 625 on Youth Protection,
  • collecting and maintaining records of registered Youth Activities;
  • communicating expectations to university employees associated with registered Youth Activities;
  • providing guidance and interpretations related to University and System policy;
  • in partnership with responsible offices, assessing the compliance status of registered Youth Activities; and conducting periodic reviews of program documentation or site visit inspections.


Department of Risk Management, Safety & Sustainability |


Youth Protection Program

Schofield Hall 228C
105 Garfield Avenue
欧克莱尔, WI 54701
United States